"OneConf to rule them all"

Registered by Didier Roche-Tolomelli

The basic idea behind OneConf seems to be to save the application related information in the Ubuntu One database and allow a user to synchronize that data with other systems as needed. The application related information is this:

List of installed applications.
Some application settings.
Some application state

More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneConf

Blueprint information

Not started
Sebastien Bacher
Didier Roche-Tolomelli
Needs approval
Didier Roche-Tolomelli
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:

Related branches



Superseeded by https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-oneconf

Work items:
[mpt] provide some guidance from design perspective on software-center: DONE
[michaelforrest] provide some guidance from design perspective on ubiquity: POSTPONE
look for key interesting to sync as state/settings (work will certainly be done next cycle): POSTPONE
[mvo] define plugin interface for software-centers view pane so that this feature can be integrated nicely: DONE

Work items for maverick-alpha-2:
generate software list with markers: DONE
store that in desktopcouch: DONE
put a CLI to get those: DONE
implement a dbus service to get/put this list: DONE
implement ppa handling for same app installation: DONE
integrate in ubiquity: POSTPONE

Work items for maverick-alpha-3:
plug into software-center: DONE
add ubuntu one login in software-center: DONE
add view pane for comparing with another computer in software-center: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-10.10:
get feedback on non listed applications and fix them: POSTPONE

ubiquity is totally revamped this cycle and we need some ubuntuone change + design to get it available. postpone the task for this cycle.

POSTPONE default integration into ubuntu because of synchronization in desktopcouch is failing for a lot of users. Prefer to delay one cycle to let ubuntuone guys working on that and having a sweet OneConf into Natty!


Work Items