Private Archive Hosting Infrastructure

Registered by James Westby

We wish to provide an archive hosting solution that can be deployed internally for projects that can't be publicly released yet, and could be used for public hosting too.

Blueprint information

Scott Bambrough
James Westby
James Westby
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Good progress
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-10.10
Started by
Scott Bambrough

Related branches



Work has started. Full extent of implementation effort required still not completely clear, however.

Work Items (maverick-alpha-1):
Investigate suitability of reprepro and other tools for extending to understand derivation: DONE

Work Items (ubuntu-10.10-beta):
[salgado] Change lazr.restful to allow interfaces to be combined on the web interface: DONE
Document how to install a non-dev Launchpad on a stock Ubuntu server image: DONE
[mwhudson] Add a basic new skin/layer to Launchpad: DONE
[salgado] Make Launchpad pages use the vostok base template when accessed over DONE
[salgado] Make it possible to define layer-specific navigation classes: DONE
[mwhudson] Implement custom navigation for vostok root: DONE
[salgado] Implement custom navigation for IDistribution: DONE
[salgado] Do not allow pages to redirect to other vhosts: DONE
[mwhudson] Choose which views we must provide for the basic services: DONE
[salgado] Change to accept mixed uploads: DONE

[salgado] Draw mockups for the package-upload workflow, starting from scratch, and ask Peter Pearse to "test" them: INPROGRESS

Implement proper root view for vostok: POSTPONED
Create new upload policy for vostok, to be used for mixed uploads: POSTPONED
Design vostok-specific look/css (based on website/wiki theme): POSTPONED
Implement custom navigation for IDistroSeries: POSTPONED
Implement distribution view: POSTPONED
Implement package view: POSTPONED
Implement archive view: POSTPONED
Implement person view/dashboard: POSTPONED

Implement new distro view: POSTPONED
Implement account editing views: POSTPONED
Implement package copying view: POSTPONED
Implement package deletion view: POSTPONED
Implement distribution deletion view: POSTPONED

Work Items (ubuntu-10.10):
Create launchpad configs for vostok: POSTPONED
Investigate which cronscripts are needed for vostok: POSTPONED
Create apache config for vostok: POSTPONED
Write a script to bootstrap an empty Launchpad with an admin team: POSTPONED
Remove the dependency on canonical SSO for the openid provider: POSTPONED
Create a vostok-dependencies package with all things required for vostok: POSTPONED
Write deployment documentation for vostok: POSTPONED
Implement error pages for vostok: POSTPONED
Custom Image/Icing folders that extend Launchpad's ones with the vostok-specific resources: POSTPONED


Work Items

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